Did you know that copper is antimicrobial? - Newey & Bloomer

Did you know that copper is antimicrobial?

April 09, 2020

Did you know that copper is antimicrobial?

This means you don't need to be using any harsh chemical cleaners on your Simplex Kettle or any other copper ware you may have in your kitchen!

If you own one of our copper kettles you don't need to change the way in which you clean your kettle to keep your home and family safe. Though we do advise giving it a wipe down a little more frequently than you usually would

Viruses die irreversibly upon coming into contact with copper within 4 hours, so your kettle is not a long term breeding ground for viral bacteria, preventing any opportunity for a virus to spread to you and your loved ones after using it (provided you are giving it a clean in the same manner you usually would, just a little more frequently)

Information regarding Covid-19 specifically -

 Information source for poster  -

 **Chrome kettles can be cleaned with soap and warm water, which will kill the virus if it is lingering on your kettle.

Frederick Bloomer and Charles Herbert Newey Newey & Bloomer Ltd +44 (0) 121 285 5600
Newey & Bloomer

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